About Toad’s Wild Ride

After no small amount of encouragement (ok, yes downright pestering) I’ve finally decided to stop being lazy and actually begin a blog.

Since childhood bullies can be less than clever in their name calling, I was often taunted by being called “toad”, it was a totally lame slight that failed as an insult primarily because two people in my life that adopted it as well, and often called me Toad; my own mother, and my best friend Guy.

Since I love to travel, and have taken some amazing trips, some of which my family and friends haven’t been entirely comfortable with me taking (especially alone) I’ve incarnated this blog: Toad’s Wild Ride. Why wild? How else to describe driving alone through India, or taking a solo self drive safari in Botswana? My new adventures of course will be shared as they happen (or at least hopefully in the same year they happened). And as time allows there will be past adventures that will pop on here as reflections of journeys made.

This will be a combination travel experience and advice weaved in with automotive reviews and drive routes. Maybe the occasional hotel review, and airport misadventure will find its way into the narrative as well. I’d suspect most of the advice anyone will gain from this will be in the form of cautionary tale of what not to do.

My hope would be to encourage just one person to step out of their comfort zone, and take a trip they’ve always wanted to, but kept making excuses for not taking. While the world can be a dangerous place, so it can be said for your bathtub as well! One rule of thumb when ever in a car: keep the shiny side UP!

For me, it was important to get out there and experience the world for myself as it seemed so illogical to pass judgment on entire cultures without ever having experienced them, at the very least the opinions I have formed are based on observations and experiences I’ve had as opposed to things I’ve heard from another source.
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All the best,

